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Fibreglass Loose Fill and Fibreglass Batt Insulation in the GTA

With home insulation, homeowners should be informed

While it’s not necessary for the typical homeowner to appreciate the technical aspects of residential home insulation, it’s a good idea to be informed about the basics. For homeowners who are thinking about fibreglass loose fill insulation or fibreglass batt insulation in the GTA, it’s good to understand at least the basics. Insulation is primarily about stopping “heat flow” in a building structure. In winter, it’s crucial to stop heat flowing out of the home. In summer, it’s crucial to stop heat flowing into the home. Simply put, “heat flow” is a bad dynamic in any building structure - it compromises energy efficiency in a home, and it makes for higher-than-average bills for winter heating and summer cooling.

Insulation professionals often refer to the “building envelope" when working with insulation. Every “building envelope” comprises materials that have an effect on “heat flow”. Some materials affect the envelope in a positive way, and some in a negative way. When it’s time to insulate, the contractor’s job is to dramatically reduce (or even eliminate) the negative effects. This is precisely why choosing the most appropriate insulation product is critical as a first step. With a high quality product/installation, “heat flow” will be addressed properly, and optimum energy efficiency can be assured throughout the home. The results: improved energy consumption and reduced heating and cooling bills.

Today, there are countless insulation products for sale. Every manufacturer makes product claims, and every contractor makes installation promises. The important thing is to decide on insulation products that will do a good job. First, the insulation product must stop air leakage. Second, it must inhibit the collection of moisture. And third, it must substantially enhance the R-Value throughout the installation space. All of the above are necessary in order to ensure project success. For installation, it’s advisable to work with professionals – this will bring about the best results. And although a do-it-yourself effort might save some money in the short term, professionals deliver better results long term.

Fibreglass insulation – a popular option in North America

In many parts of North America, homeowners have decided to install fibreglass insulation. There are two main product groups:  batts and loose fill. Both products can be effectively used in the attic, roof, and basement, and both products provide good R-Values. With a professional installation, as well as a good quality product, energy efficiency throughout the home can be improved, and energy usage can be reduced. Fibreglass products provide good lifespan, and with R-Value that sustains for many years.

Installing fibreglass insulation requires a professional touch for best results. The professionals know the products well, and offer installation expertise that is invaluable. With a professional on hand, loose fill insulation gets installed consistently and uniformly for optimum performance. Likewise with the fibreglass batts – they get installed strategically throughout a given space to ensure that air leakage is minimized, and thermal protection is maximized. For best results, the work must be meticulous.

Fibreglass insulation has some advantages

Like any performance product, fibreglass insulation delivers the best results when the manufacturer’s recommendations are followed. Fibreglass insulation is consumer-safe; asbestos-free; non-corrosive; and non-combustible. The better brands are factory tested for air-quality to ensure safety. Consumers who are “green” conscious can rest assured that fibreglass insulation is made with recycled glass.

When the install has been completed, fibreglass insulation doesn’t attract animals, insects, or rodents. However, contractors must ensure that the install space is properly ventilated. Ventilation prevents the deterioration of the fibreglass, allowing for a long lifespan. For those homeowners thinking about fibreglass insulation in Welland, it’s a cost-worthy product/installation with a very good return.

There are also disadvantages to fibreglass insulation

For the professionals, fibreglass insulation (in either form) does not completely address all the issues relative to the building envelope. Even the very best installation doesn’t entirely arrest air movement or totally prevent moisture accumulation. This could be of real concern in an attic space.

Another problem associated with fibreglass products is air leakage. Fibreglass insulation (either form) doesn’t seal a space tight. It means that unwanted air leakage can compromise insulation performance. And for the professionals, sealing a space tight is absolutely vital for total insulation performance.

Wet or water-soaked fibreglass can be a serious problem. In these circumstances, fibreglass insulation quickly loses integrity and subsequently loses its R-Value. Since complete deterioration is inevitable, the only possible remedy is to remove the damaged materials, and reinstall new insulation product.

Insulating with spray foam is an alternative to fibreglass

Because of the inherent disadvantages associated with fibreglass insulation, spray foam has become a viable alternative in many applications. Spray Foam Insulation is a unique product that can do more in a single application than most other products.  It stops air leakage; it stops moisture collection; and it installs higher R-Values than other products on the market.

What’s most important is that SFI will effectively eliminate “heat flow”, and this will be advantageous in both summer and winter. SFI seals a given space airtight, and guarantees optimum performance in terms of energy efficiency. For professional contractors, there’s no insulation product that can deliver comparable benefits, advantages, and performance levels.

For some homeowners, the “hybrid” approach may be best

In professional circles, contractors are routinely recommending spray foam for attics, roofs, and even finished basements. However, it may not suit every budget. As an alternative, the Great Northern Insulation professionals offer a more cost-effective installation known as the “hybrid” install.

The “hybrid” install combines spray foam insulation and fibreglass insulation into one application. It’s a unique approach where the spray foam is used to seal and insulate, while the fibreglass adds R-Value to the installation space. Together, the products make for a very cost-effective project investment.

For homeowners working within specific budget constraints, the “hybrid” install may well be the best option of all. But once again, a professional approach to installation is very highly recommended.