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Attic Insulation in the GTA

Homeowners installing attic insulation in the GTA should understand what they are getting into when it comes to product and installation. And although there isn’t a need to understand all the technical issues, it’s good to have a grasp of the basics. For the most part, the practicalities apply the same whether it’s new construction, a retrofit project, or a complete re-install. Of utmost importance is to choose the insulation product that is most suitable. Beyond that, it’s important to choose an insulation contractor who is reliable and reputable – a firm that is experienced with attic insulation. For a homeowner, understanding the essentials will allow for better decisions to be made during the project, and will result in a better working relationship with the contractor.

With attic insulation, it’s highly advisable to work with professionals. The results will be better, the job will be done right from day one, and there will be fewer challenges. By any definition, attic insulation is highly specialized work – and it all starts when the contractor recommends the right product and installation approach to suit the job. For many homeowners, choosing product can be challenging, mainly because there is so much advertising and marketing buildup. With a good contractor on hand, things are different, and project decisions take on a more collaborative tone. In fact, one of the most important things about having a good contractor on hand is their total availability throughout the entire project – this is a sign of project commitment from end to end.

A reliable insulation contractor is responsive to a homeowner’s needs. The pre-requisites of the job are addressed appropriately; a viable plan and budget are recommended; and full customer service is considered a priority. Success with attic insulation relies on a quality approach.  This is particularly relevant in an attic space because product performance is crucial in delivering long-term results. For Great Northern Insulation, success with attic insulation is about doing the work right from day one. That means installing only the best quality products; providing the highest quality workmanship; and assuring complete customer satisfaction, regardless of the project size. With this approach, Great Northern Insulation can guarantee project success for every customer. 

Going professional with attic insulation has benefits. For a start, the attic space will be assessed comprehensively to evaluate the scope of work. Then, a project plan will be designed to address and accommodate the needs of the job. Finally, product and installation will be manufacturer guaranteed to ensure performance. Even more, good contractors attend to issues and problems well after a project has been finished. Needless to say, for homeowners who want to install attic insulation in the GTA, results are what matter. And here, high quality product will deliver results that are noticeable - improved seasonal comfort throughout the home; energy bills in winter and summer that are reduced; and annual dollar savings that will quickly offset the project cost.

In the large, expansive cavities of the attic, professionals begin by making the space airtight. The idea here is to seal up the attic, and allow the newly installed insulation to perform. Sealing up tight is all about closing every little hole and opening in the attic, thus preventing air leakage. The airtight space will prevent undesirable airflow from entering or leaving the building structure. With a professional approach, the attic will be sealed and subsequently insulated at one time – it creates a so-called “system” where everything works together for improved energy efficiency. The results are tangible:  energy consumption is reduced; the HVAC system (heating/cooling) operates much more efficiently; and seasonal comfort inside the home is measurably enhanced.